The Cleveland Apartments were built by William Phelps Cleveland (1870-1936) who was in
the mining business and the inventor of a magnetic separator. He was married to Annabelle
Bartlett Cleveland (1866-1919).
Stones and other materials that were salvaged from the deconstruction of Patrick Murphy’s
mansion (built in 1898 at 4 th & Wall) were used to construct these luxury apartments.

Each of the six prestigious residences were “modern and up-to-date” with seven rooms, a large sleeping
porch, pantry, closets, large attic, basement, two fireplaces with mantels, and a private garage. In
spite of a major fire in May 2022, restoration continues by owners (and brothers) Shawn and
Stephen Grindle and Neal Group Construction & Restoration.
The Cleveland was a prestigious place to live, similar to the Olivia Apartments, especially for
wealthy widows. Common for the language of the time in 1916, a help wanted advertisement in
the Joplin Globe read as follows: WANTED-Colored or white girl; must be experienced; easy
work; small family; permanent place. No. 3 Cleveland apartments; apply personally.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland lived here, but eventually moved to 108 N. Jackson Avenue, the duplex
directly to the north. That structure is also part of the restoration project. At this time, it is
unknown if Austin Allen designed that structure.